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Reflecting on what Henry Miller once wrote, “one’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things,” David D'Agostino's work presents the viewer a denouement of the mechanics of seeing.  Along these lines, D’Agostino demonstrates the desire to conquer the natural world, yet proves that the landscape continues to be uncapturable in its entirety. His technique and process ask us to reflect and engage with the depth of each work. He tethers the ongoing effort to connect with the ineffable. 


Brooke Tomiello, Curator, Lane Meyer Projects, Denver


David D’Agostino’s work has been the subject of solo and group exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver; Atlanta Contemporary, Atlanta; National Gallery of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria; Townhouse Gallery, Cairo, Egypt; Biennial of the Americas, Denver; the City Gallery, Bucharest, Romania; Krause Gallery, Atlanta; Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles; New American Paintings no. 126; National Gallery of Art, Skopje, North Macadonia; FX Fowle Gallery, New York City; Redline Contemporary Art Center, Denver; AC2 Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Lane Meyer Projects, Denver; Poem 88 Gallery, Atlanta; Art Aqua, Miami Beach; the Saad Zaghloul Contemporary Art Center, Cairo, Egypt; and MOXY Gallery,

New Orleans, among others.  Also, D'Agostino is a standing member of the XXL Group, Sofia, Bulgaria and the Bestiary Collective,

Albuquerque, New Mexico.



D'Agostino's most recent work embodies 'eco-materialism' - the making and application of non-toxic artist materials and processes; 'ethology' - the study and depiction of wild animal psychological distress, and 'shinrin-yoku' - the practice of forest therapy.  To realize this effort he co-founded the Bestiary Collective with sculptor,

Mark Dyke;  which was introduced at

AC2/Albuquerque Contemporary Art Center, 2023.

"My work is primarily influenced by ecological crisis and the various, often cryptic, stories that arise as collapsing utterances from the natural world. Technically, the work manifests subjective perspective and the use of shifting negative space -- what cannot be seen. I make an effort not to fill artistic space with habitual aesthetic responses, but rather to investigate the landscape as an ever-changing fount –- a poetic archeology that, rather than attempting to arrive at something conclusive, recognize the formless essence of perception and consciousness". -DD


'Past and Present of a Counter Culture Narrative', National Gallery of Art, XXL Group Exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018

'25th Anniversary
Contemporary Art Exhibit',
Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 2019

Retrospective of the XXL Group

National Gallery of Art,

Skopje, North Macedonia, 2022/23


'Bigger Views(s): Earth, Anthropocene, Beauty' with Jennifer Lord and Noah Phillips,

Boulder, Public Library, Boulder, Colorado, 2021


'Atmospheres', Saad Zaghloul Contemporary Art Center,

Cairo, Egypt, 2018

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